The year was 1941. A committed band of followers of Jesus Christ were ready to step out in faith like they never had before. But they were not the first.
Fifty-one years earlier a small but faithful group of 13 devoted men and women had taken the initial steps of faith that would later pave the way for generations to come. For in 1890, 13 saints took God at His word and planted and established a church in which they would worship their Savior. They set their sights, by faith, on reaching their community with the gospel of Christ Jesus. They pledged together to build up one another as the body of Christ. In only nine years the membership had grown to 98.
Fifty-one years later, even with the prospects of world-wide war looming directly on the horizon, the next generation followed in the footsteps of their forefathers. They approached Almighty God with their need for a new building. They came ready to take God at His word as they moved forward in faith.
And so, in 1941, with $1.83 in the treasury and a great faith in the power of God’s word, the members of the First Baptist Church in Ridgway, IL, purchased this piece of ground on which we gather together this morning, and began construction on this very building. And with members giving freely of their time and money, and with the help of donations from people of other denominations, they completed the building and burned their mortgage in just three years.
It’s a story not just about the history of Ridgway First Baptist Church, but a story about believers in Christ Jesus using their faith – and watching God do what would seem humanly impossible.
There is nothing that is too difficult for the Lord to do. “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is there anything too hard for me?” (Jer. 32:27).
The Roman centurion knew this truth. That’s why he came to Jesus pleading with the Lord on behalf of his dying servant. He knew that Jesus had the authority to “just say the word” and his servant would be healed.
Matthew records for us that Jesus was astonished at this man’s great faith. Then He rewarded the man and healed his servant with just His word.
I wonder if the Lord marveled at the faith of the saints in Ridgway who stepped out in faith to do what they sensed the Lord asking of them. Had they sat down and counted their money, thought about the possibilities of war ahead of them and evaluated the situation on a human level, they never would have made the move. But I believe they knew that nothing is too hard for the Lord. They used their faith, and God rewarded.
Their testimony still echoes in the church today. I pray that we will keep following in these same footsteps of faith. Whatever the call. Wherever He leads. Whomever He sends. He is the Creator of all things, who spoke the heavens and the earth into existence. He is the God of all mankind, who breathed into man the breath of life. He is the Savior of all nations, who came in love to rescue a dying people.
J. Hudson Taylor is quoted as saying, “It’s not so much a ‘great faith’ that we need, but faith in a great God.” Our God is a great and mighty God, with all things under the authority of His command. Nothing is too hard for Him!
How great is your God? Use your faith!
Fifty-one years earlier a small but faithful group of 13 devoted men and women had taken the initial steps of faith that would later pave the way for generations to come. For in 1890, 13 saints took God at His word and planted and established a church in which they would worship their Savior. They set their sights, by faith, on reaching their community with the gospel of Christ Jesus. They pledged together to build up one another as the body of Christ. In only nine years the membership had grown to 98.
Fifty-one years later, even with the prospects of world-wide war looming directly on the horizon, the next generation followed in the footsteps of their forefathers. They approached Almighty God with their need for a new building. They came ready to take God at His word as they moved forward in faith.
And so, in 1941, with $1.83 in the treasury and a great faith in the power of God’s word, the members of the First Baptist Church in Ridgway, IL, purchased this piece of ground on which we gather together this morning, and began construction on this very building. And with members giving freely of their time and money, and with the help of donations from people of other denominations, they completed the building and burned their mortgage in just three years.
It’s a story not just about the history of Ridgway First Baptist Church, but a story about believers in Christ Jesus using their faith – and watching God do what would seem humanly impossible.
There is nothing that is too difficult for the Lord to do. “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is there anything too hard for me?” (Jer. 32:27).
The Roman centurion knew this truth. That’s why he came to Jesus pleading with the Lord on behalf of his dying servant. He knew that Jesus had the authority to “just say the word” and his servant would be healed.
Matthew records for us that Jesus was astonished at this man’s great faith. Then He rewarded the man and healed his servant with just His word.
I wonder if the Lord marveled at the faith of the saints in Ridgway who stepped out in faith to do what they sensed the Lord asking of them. Had they sat down and counted their money, thought about the possibilities of war ahead of them and evaluated the situation on a human level, they never would have made the move. But I believe they knew that nothing is too hard for the Lord. They used their faith, and God rewarded.
Their testimony still echoes in the church today. I pray that we will keep following in these same footsteps of faith. Whatever the call. Wherever He leads. Whomever He sends. He is the Creator of all things, who spoke the heavens and the earth into existence. He is the God of all mankind, who breathed into man the breath of life. He is the Savior of all nations, who came in love to rescue a dying people.
J. Hudson Taylor is quoted as saying, “It’s not so much a ‘great faith’ that we need, but faith in a great God.” Our God is a great and mighty God, with all things under the authority of His command. Nothing is too hard for Him!
How great is your God? Use your faith!