
Thursday, September 25, 2008

FIREPROOF opening this weekend

You may know that the movie, FIREPROOF, opens in theaters nationwide this Friday. I realize that you have a very difficult decision to make in viewing entertainment on Friday night with the first Presidential debate slated to air, so maybe you’d rather see the movie on Saturday instead. Or you could record the debate and watch it later. Whatever works for you.

Our nearest theater in Marion, IL, has sold out the 6:40 showing on Friday night. They were also sold out on Sunday night, but have other showings still available. I'm still hoping my wife and I will be able to attend one of them this opening weekend.

I want you to see this movie, too. I know you could wait until it comes out on DVD, but in order to let Hollywood know that we appreciate movies like this, there needs to be a strong turnout at the box offices on opening weekend.

So many couples, even Bible-believing Christian couples, are missing out on the greater joys of the covenant marriage relationship that God has established and intended for them. FIREPROOF provides a picture of what it’s like when a husband turns away from self-centeredness and begins loving his wife with the love of Christ. Contrary to what the culture seems to think these days, living out a marriage God’s way really does bring a greater joy to both husband and wife.

Hope to see you at the show!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Love that loves even when it hurts

“How am I supposed to show love to somebody who constantly rejects me?”

This line in the upcoming movie, FIREPROOF, marks the beginning of a revelation in Caleb’s life that will lead him first to the love of Christ and then to a love for his wife.

Are you making plans to see this movie on opening weekend? FIREPROOF opens this Friday, September 26, and will be playing in over 800 theaters nationwide. Your investment of time and ticket prices will be well worth it!

Why am I so sold on FIREPROOF? Because I believe more than anything that seeing this movie will give you hope for your marriage. You might be thinking that it’s way too late to save your marriage, but hold on, dear friend!

You may be saying, “Yeah, but I’ve tried everything to make this marriage work, and nothing’s working! We gave it a shot, but I just can’t give any more. We fight all the time. He’s been unfaithful. She spends more money than we make. We don’t agree on anything. I’m not sure if the love’s even there. Even if I tried to work it out and make things better, how am I supposed to love somebody who constantly rejects me?”

When Caleb Holt (played by Kirk Cameron) asked this question, his father explained that this is the love that Jesus Christ showed to us on the cross. Think about that for a while. Jesus didn’t come to die on the cross because we loved Him and were looking for a way to know Him personally. He suffered and bled and died for those who rejected Him. He sacrificed His body in demonstration of a love that goes beyond all human reason. The Bible says it this way: “But while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

That’s not a love I can figure out. I can’t explain how anyone would willingly die for those who would scoff and torture him. I can’t comprehend a man who could look at the Roman soldiers spitting in His face, crowning Him mockingly with thorns, and driving nails into His hands and feet, and somehow voice an audible prayer to God, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

A true understanding of such a love comes only by divine revelation. God has revealed in His holy Word that He loved this world so much that He gave His one and only Son over to death in our place so that we would not have to suffer His wrath against sin, but instead have everlasting life.

Friend, if you’ll open your heart to God, He will reveal how great His merciful loving-kindness is toward you. Even though you’ve constantly rejected Him, He has shown His love for you. And as long as you’re still breathing, He gives you the invitation to receive His love by receiving Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

In this love God forgives your sin, erases your guilt and removes your shame. In this love God fills you up with peace, with joy and with love. He transforms your life from self-centeredness to Christ-centeredness. He dwells within your heart through faith and keeps you in step with His Spirit so that you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. It’s like being born again. Do you know God’s love for you today?

When God revealed this love to Caleb, he received Christ’s sacrifice for his sins and received new life in Christ. And only then could Caleb begin showing that same Christ-like love to his wife who constantly rejected him. He learned that he could not give a love that he did not have.

What about you? The hope for your marriage is the love of Christ Jesus. The only hope for salvation from death and hell is the love of Christ Jesus. If your marriage or your life needs desperately to be saved or strengthened, cry out to Jesus and fall upon His mercy and grace. He can make your life and your marriage fireproof.