The Sunday
School teacher asked her class, “How many of you want to go to heaven?” They
all raised their hands, except one little girl. After class the teacher asked
her, “Why didn’t you raise your hand?” She replied, “I want to go to heaven,
but my mother said I have to go straight home after Sunday School.”
Funny. I
mean, who doesn’t want to go to heaven, right? Especially when you consider the
alternative, and I’m not talking annihilation or re-incarnation. Heaven ought
to be the longing of every soul. We’d be foolish to not want to go.
One of the wisest men of all-time
was Solomon, who wrote that God “has put eternity into man’s heart”
(Ecclesiastes 3:11), meaning that somewhere deep within each and every soul
lies the sense that there is life beyond the present state of existence here on
earth. And the Bible does not stutter in saying that the two options are heaven
or hell.
So it’s good and right that we
should desire to go to heaven, but not everyone does. Heaven is not an automatic
I’d like to take a vacation to
Hawaii. I hear it’s a beautiful place. I’ve seen pictures and talked to people
who have been there, and it sounds like a wonderful place to go. If my Sunday
School teacher asked who’d like to go to Hawaii, I would definitely raise my
hand. But just because I want to go doesn’t mean that I will.
Jesus said it this way, “Not
everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he
who does the will of My Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). This is a
sobering truth. Not everyone who wants to go to heaven will be there. Those who
will enter the kingdom of heaven will be those who do the will of the Father.
What is that will? It’s to believe
in His Son, Jesus. That means to confess that we can’t be good enough to get to
heaven. That means to repent of our sinfulness and self-sufficiency and
self-rule and self-righteousness, and depend completely upon what God has done
for us in Christ, yielding our lives in faith and obedience to Him.
The Bible says this, “For by grace
you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the
gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians
2:8-9). Jesus again, in John 14:6, says, “I am the way and the truth and the
life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Friend, there is no other way to
heaven. You don’t make it in on the faith of your parents or grandparents. You
don’t get there by trying to follow a list of religious rules, by going to
church, by being a good husband or neighbor or citizen of the U.S.A.
This week we remember that Jesus laid
down His life on the cross of Calvary. When Jesus took the stripes on His back
and when He took the nails in His hands, He did it so that we could be saved
from death and hell and made righteous before a Holy God. All by the grace of
God. All for His glory. And all for our good.
Death is a frightening proposition
for most people, but it doesn’t have to be. The grave does not have the final
word. On the third day, which we celebrate as Easter, Jesus rose from the dead
in a triumphal display of His power and victory over death and over sin
forevermore. And He still lives today as the Savior and King, the Everlasting
One, who was and is and is to come. And it is by His resurrection victory that
we who belong to Him also have the assurance of eternal life with Him in
have you come to Jesus for forgiveness and cleansing from your sin? Are you
trusting in Christ alone as your salvation? I don’t know about you, but heaven’s
looking pretty sweet to me. What about you? I’m ready to go, even if I don’t
make it straight home after Sunday School.
I may be
one of the few who has never watched an episode of Duck Dynasty. If I had
cable, I would, probably, at least check it out. Although if I had cable I
might be too captivated with ESPN to ever switch the channels.
But that’s only if I could wrestle
the remote away from my boys who would be glued to some absurd braincell-draining
attempt at children’s programming on the Cartoon Network. What ever happened to
Bugs Bunny or Tom and Jerry? Where did the Super Friends go? Or The
Flintstones? Now that was some quality television right there.
Speaking of cable, why is it not
yet possible to subscribe only to the channels you want to watch? I don’t need
250 choices. I don’t want 250 choices. Let me pick out the few that I would
actually watch and forget the rest. I don’t want the junk that comes with it
available in my house. There’s enough poison on the major networks already to
make you sick. If it weren’t for March Madness and the NFL and occasional news
reports and weather updates, I’d be ready to unplug my TV and drop it at the
Courthouse parking lot.
So why is Duck Dynasty such a hit?
Isn’t the show about a backwoods Louisiana redneck family with scruffy beards
who like to hunt ducks? What’s the draw in that?
I’m told that the Robertson clan
enjoys some good clean fun, eats together as a family and aren’t ashamed of
their faith in Jesus. Wow! Maybe that’s such a radical departure from just
about everything else in the media that viewers are compelled to see what’s
going on. Who would have thought a show that doesn’t rely on sexual innuendos
or immoral storylines, doesn’t glorify violence or feed an appetite for the
perverse, and doesn’t mock Christianity or applaud wickedness could actually
attract an audience?
Almost makes you long for the days
of I Love Lucy and The Brady Bunch. I’m not telling you to take a
baseball bat to your 55 inch Panasonic, but don’t you think it’s worth
evaluating what kinds of stuff we put before our eyes and in our ears and into
our minds? Isn’t it true that a man reaps what he sows? If you are planting
filth and perversion and all kinds of wickedness into your mind by consuming the
garbage available on TV and every other form of media, your life is going to
produce trash.
And parents, if I may be so bold,
let me urge you to shield your children from the refuse of the media world.
They need you to set and enforce boundaries. You can’t feed them a diet of Pringles
and Ding-Dongs and Coke and expect them to be healthy. Neither can you nourish
them with the depravity that’s so prevalent in our culture. Be the parent. Set
the example yourself, first, and guard their hearts from the waste piles of the
world. It may not be easy. Expect a battle. But it’s one worth fighting and
Christians, remember the popular
WWJD question? Let me change out one letter and make it WWJW – What Would Jesus
Watch? If you, as a child of God with the Spirit of Christ dwelling in you,
would answer this before going to the movies, before surfing the internet,
before turning on the TV, might it change your viewing habits? Or think on it
this way. If Jesus were present in the flesh with you, sitting at your side as
a friend, would you still watch the shows you watch? Or would you be ashamed at
what you subjected His eyes to see? Oh, be careful little eyes what you see!
For the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what
you see.
Our church this week has been
blessed in our revival services. God is changing hearts and lives for His
glory. He’s convicting us of sin and leading us by His kindness to repentance.
He’s compelling us by His love to seek Him and His righteousness. We need a
revival of godliness. May God turn our eyes from worthless things to true worship.
In the meantime, I think I’ll start
to grow a long, scruffy beard.
My wife has
a great ear for music. Me, I enjoy music very much. I have an appreciation for
good music, which depending on your definition of “good,” can range from such
classical pieces as Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode” to the Beach Boys’ “Good Vibrations”
and all the way to “Goodnight My Someone” from “The Music Man” and the
children’s church gem, “God Is So Good.”
I even like
to sing. Not that anybody from Sony has been calling and begging me to sign a
record deal, but I do get calls from my boys urging me to stop singing around
the house. Secretly I think they like me making up silly songs and being goofy
at home, but they would never admit it.
All that to
say that I am a fan of music, but I’m not a musician. Amy, on the other hand,
knows music. Her definition of “good” music far eclipses mine. When I get in
the car after she’s been driving, I always have to change the radio station
from classical music of Bach and Mozart to something that sounds more like TobyMac
or Jars of Clay.
Amy’s also directing
our church choir as we are preparing for an Easter musical. You should come, by
the way, and hear us on Easter Sunday morning at 10:45. We’re also planning to
sing one selection from that piece on the morning our Revival Services start,
March 17. If you don’t have a church home, you should come and be our guest.
And plan to attend our Revival Services if you can, March 17-20. We’d love to
have you.
So anyway,
we’re rehearsing these songs, and I’m telling you, if one person in the entire
choir goes off key or gets behind, she doesn’t miss it. And she’s not afraid to
stop the music and make sure we all get it right. She knows how the song’s
supposed to go, and if it doesn’t go the way it’s written, we need to fix it.
She’s tough, but she’s good.
And the end
product sounds wonderful.
Now what
would be so wrong, you may ask, if the choir director just let everyone sing
the songs however they felt they wanted to? So what if one or two people are
kind of making up their own parts somewhere between bass and tenor? Who cares
if an alto wants to hold out a note for an extra beat, or if a soprano likes to
take a breath in the middle of a word? They’re not hurting anyone, are they?
And besides, who is the choir director to tell somebody else how they should
It would be
a pretty awful and chaotic sound. You know, though, that’s exactly what happens
when people start doing whatever they think is right, even if it’s not. For
example, the major social and moral issue facing our generation and our state is
the “gay marriage” agenda. That part is not written in the score. Somebody
needs to say, “Stop the music! You can’t sing it that way. You’re off key.
Let’s work on this and get it right.”
everybody has to sing the exact same parts, I get that. But when a couple of
basses are defiantly singing the wrong notes and refuse to change and demand
that everyone else in the choir accept it, that’s not going to work. Yes, it
does hurt the choir, and it recoils the ears of the listening world. The end
result is an awful, chaotic noise.
Listen, God
can and has changed the lives of many sinners, including homosexuals, and
transformed them by His mercy and grace into living reflections of His glory.
He offers forgiveness and cleansing for whosoever repents and turns in faith to
Jesus, who gave His life on the cross for the forgiveness of all sins. Don’t
reject His gift of salvation! Come to Him, and find rest for your soul. Come to
Christ for life!
God has composed life in such a way
that when we’re living according to His written Word, it’s a beautiful sound. He
knows life better than my wife knows music. There is a right way and there are
wrong ways. It’s time to follow His lead.
It amazes me how fast time flies
when I’m preaching. Perhaps no one in the congregation feels the same way, but
sometimes I don’t cover nearly as much ground as I had intended to. Although I
often cover some ground I did not intend to.
With that in mind, here’s the rest
of what I wanted to say this past Sunday morning. If you weren’t there, I’ll
start with some context.
God is holy. He alone is majestic
in holiness. He is set apart. He is perfectly good in the absolute sense of the
word. He is perfect in power, in wisdom and in deed. There is no blemish on His
record. There never will be. He does all things well.
And He is adamant that all men recognize
and honor His holiness. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky
proclaims His handiwork. The winds and waves gladly obey the voice of their
Creator. The mountains and the hills break forth into singing, and the trees of
the field clap their hands as the sovereign God reigns magnificently over them.
Among the gods and idols of the world there is none like the Lord Almighty. He
is not interested in sharing the platform of His glory with another.
So as we look at how the Lord spoke
through the prophet Ezekiel, we see God’s concern for His holy name. As much as
the heavens speak of God’s glory, God has set apart His own people to reflect
His glory in this world even more. That was His desire for Israel all along,
that they would be a “light for the nations,” showcasing the salvation and
grace and mercy and holiness and righteousness and glory of their God.
When Israel rebelled against God,
in spite of all the great things He had done for them, His name was profaned.
In Ezekiel 36 we see specifically that God indicts them for defiling the land
by the impurity of their ways and their deeds. And in His holy and righteous
wrath, after repeated calls to repentance were ignored, God scattered His
people among the nations in judgment. Even as they came to the surrounding
nations, they continued to profane His holy name.
Therefore, God said He was about to
act for the sake of His holy name. In other words, He was about to begin of
work of restoration for His reputation. It wasn’t because the people were
worthy, but for His own glory God showered them with mercy and grace. He said
He would gather them from the nations and bring them back to their own land. He
would cleanse them from their sins. He would give them a new heart and a new
spirit. He would give them His Spirit within them to cause them to walk in
obedience to His ways. He would make the fields produce abundantly for them. He
would make the desolate land like the garden of Eden and the ruined cities
would become inhabited and fortified. Everyone would see it and know that the
Lord is the holy and righteous God.
By way of application, this ought
to lead God’s people to repentance. If we’re not living by the standard of
God’s Word and His truth, then we are likewise profaning the holy name of our
God, and we need to confess that and turn from every way and deed that brings
reproach to His holiness.
A second application is that this
ought to also lead us to long for God’s glory. When we claim the name of Jesus,
our lives ought to reflect His glory through our wholehearted obedience to Word
of God. Our greatest desire should be to glorify God in all that we do, in all
that we say and in all that we think. We should spend our lives in pursuit of
holiness, righteousness, faith, love and peace. We should delight in the things
God delights in and despise the things God despises. If God is so concerned that His name
be hallowed and honored as holy among men, that must become our heart’s longing
and our life’s devotion as well.