I love this cartoon!
Obviously the message led to action! That’s what every preacher wants to see happen in the lives of his congregation – and in his own life, for that matter. Not the standing outside in your boxers scene, but action! Obedience to the word of God!
A Bible preacher preaches and teaches not just for the transmission of information, but for the induction of transformation. We want to see lives changed! We want to see sinners transformed into saints by the power of God’s holy word and by the power of His Holy Spirit! We want to build spiritual muscle in the lives of God’s people. We want to see men and women growing strong in the faith. We want to see boys and girls trusting wholly and gladly in Christ. We want to see the church taking what they’ve heard and putting it into action.
Didn’t Jesus say the same thing at the end of His great “Sermon on the Mount?” Listen to how Jesus charges His hearers to do something about what they’ve just heard: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell – and great was its fall” (Mt. 7:14-27).
It’s nothing but foolishness to listen to the word of God and not do anything about it. But to act on what you’ve heard, to put into practice what the Scripture calls you to do, forms a foundation for your life solid enough to withstand any storm.
For the past two weeks I’ve preached on tithes and offerings. Dangerous stuff for any preacher who’s only a business meeting away from losing his job!
So, if I’ve laid out God’s word concerning tithes and offerings, and if my hearers are wise, what will we see happen at the Ridgway First Baptist Church? People standing outside in their boxers? Perhaps not, but we will see the level of giving substantially increase as the church puts into practice what the Lord says to do. If there is no change in giving, then either everyone’s already tithing faithfully to the local church and bringing their offerings of worship, or some are still living foolishly in disobedience to God’s word.
As I’ve said in my messages, bringing the tithe (which is ten percent of one’s earnings, which belongs to the Lord as holy) into the storehouse (the local church) is not so much about money as it is about obedience. And bringing our offerings above and beyond the tithe is not so much about money as it is about worship. Are we being obedient to the Lord with our tithes, and are we honoring Him with our offerings?
The people of Israel in Malachi’s day were guilty of robbing God by failing to bring the full tithe into the storehouse. In fact, they were insulting and dishonoring Him by bringing lame, blind and diseased animals as their offerings of worship! Is it any less an insult to the Lord today when we bring anything less than our full tithes and offerings?
Believe me when I say that the least of my goals is to do any kind of fundraising for the church. But I know without a doubt that when God’s people are faithfully obedient in this area of giving, the windows of heaven will open and the Lord Himself will pour down so many blessings for us that there won’t be room enough to store it (Mal. 3:10). And believe me when I say, as with the apostle Paul: “Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account.” I so want for God’s people to be found faithful as fully devoted followers of Christ Jesus!
What about you, friend? What are you doing with what you’ve heard about the gospel? You’ve heard that Jesus is the Savior. Good! Are you trusting in Him? You’ve heard that He is Lord. Are you doing what He says?
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