
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcoming You to Church and Introducing You to Jesus

I’ve been to quite a few church services before when it was the first time I’d ever been there. Sometimes it can feel a little bit awkward, and that may be the understatement of the year. You just know that everyone is staring at you, wondering who in the world you are and what in the world you’re doing in their church.

And in a smaller church setting, it can really feel a lot like you’re walking in on somebody’s family reunion. Everybody else seems to know each other. They’re talking and laughing and having a good time with each other, but when you walk in they seem to force a smile your way, maybe utter a hello and then go right back on to their conversations.

You’re left there, meanwhile, wondering where you should go and what you should do. If you have kids with you it’s even worse, because you’re looking for the nursery or children’s Sunday School classrooms, and you definitely want to know where the bathrooms are since you realized your youngest child forgot to comb his hair before you left home.

Then there’s the fear of sitting in someone else’s pew! Heaven forbid that you should occupy the space where some long-time member sits, and has sat every single Sunday morning since 1954. I have actually heard (not in our church, thankfully) of a situation where a visiting family was asked to move because they sat down in someone’s spot!

I’d be willing to bet that many people who would like to go to church never end up going simply because of their fear that it’s too uncomfortable attending that first time.

But let me also say that I’ve been to some church services for the first time when I felt right away that I belonged there. I’ve been warmly greeted at the door – even in the parking lot! – and then personally escorted to where I needed to go. I’ve been invited to sit with someone during the services, and have had people invite me to lunch with them afterward.

I don’t know what your experiences have been, but my hope is that if you would set foot on the property entrusted to us at 306 S. Valter St. in Ridgway, you would be welcomed warmly, gladly and lovingly. I hope that you would be received not as some strange alien coming to visit, not as an outsider with questionable motives, but more like a friend whose visit we’ve been expecting.

We’re even going a step further to make it easier for you. This coming Sunday afternoon, October 17, starting around 5:00, we’re planning a fall festival event in the backyard of the church grounds. We’d love for you to come and enjoy, in this informal community-wide get-together, a friendly game of Wiffle Ball, or maybe kickball, roasting some hot dogs and marshmallows, sitting around the fire and just enjoying the fall afternoon. That way you get to avoid the awkwardness of coming to church for the first time, not knowing anybody and wondering which pew belongs to whom. Hopefully, you’ll feel among friends.

And most importantly, our desire is to introduce you, in case you’ve never met Him, to the greatest friend anyone could have. His name is Jesus. He’s from Nazareth in Galilee, by way of Bethlehem in Judea. When you get to know Him, you’ll find that’s He’s always wanting to be with you. Not in an annoying sort-of way, but just because that’s how much He really cares about you. You’ll find that He’s a friend who sticks closer than a brother. In good times and through hard times, He’s always ready to listen and always ready to help.

And, oh yeah, since He is the Almighty Son of the Everlasting God, He’s also able to provide for your every need. He’s able to give you supernatural peace, unspeakable joy and unending hope. His love is the greatest of all loves, for He laid down His very own life for His friends. Since He lived a perfect life on earth and died bearing the sins of all mankind, He’s also able to forgive you completely for your sins and save you from eternal death and hell. And since He rose from the grave, He lives forevermore, and dwells within your heart by His Spirit through faith while He makes arrangements for His friends’ eternal dwelling place in the heavens.

I’m so glad to be called His friend. Do you know Him? Why not come to church this Sunday and let us introduce you!

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