
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Servants and Witnesses

Acts 26 

As we near the end of the book of Acts, allow me to make some observations from this chapter.

One, the purpose statement from Acts 1:8 flows throughout the entire book. In the power received from the Holy Spirit, the followers of Christ witness for Him throughout the world. Paul had personally proclaimed the gospel of Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and beyond, and was now telling the message of Christ in Caesarea.

Two, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead makes all the difference in the world. It is the climax of the gospel. It’s the fulfillment of the prophets. It’s why Paul so boldly preaches, and why he’s now in chains. It’s the hope of every believer for eternal life. It’s the power and victory of God on display.

Three, Paul never lost sight of God’s mercy and grace, nor did he ever miss a chance to tell his story. He remembered what a wasted life he led before Christ saved him, and he recognized God’s overflowing patience, mercy and grace toward him.

Four, the Lord fulfilled His promise to Paul. Indeed, he was God’s chosen instrument to carry the name of Christ before “the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel.”

Five, the call to repent and turn to God is still urgent. And the gospel is still the power of God to save all who believe.

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