hate that people are losing their jobs and don’t know how they’re going to make
it. I hate that others are working twice as hard under extremely difficult and
stressful conditions.
hate that we can’t gather as a church. I hate that family get-togethers are
out. I hate that schools are closed. I hate that grieving families can’t even
have a proper funeral. I hate that weddings can’t be celebrated as they should.
I hate that nursing homes and prisons and hospitals can’t have visitors when
they need encouragement the most.
hate that some politicians are using this crisis to point fingers, create
division, and seeking their own agendas. I hate the way the media fuels panic
and fear through sensationalizing seemingly every story.
for listening. Just had to get that off my chest.
a mess, isn’t it?
the end of the day, though, what I really hate is the curse of sin that brings
all kinds of trouble and sorrow and death into this world.
you know what? I am awed to think that Jesus stepped into our mess to rescue us
from all this pain.
week in particular we’re reminded that the Holy One took on human flesh and dwelt
among us, felt our sufferings, and eventually laid down His life for ours in
the most horrific fashion.
humbled, but I’m hopeful because we also remember and rejoice in Jesus’ victory
over sin and death by His resurrection from the grave on the third day. We know
that these “light and momentary afflictions” will be far eclipsed by the
eternal weight of glory revealed when Jesus Christ comes again and establishes
His reign of eternal peace, righteousness, and joy. In that Kingdom there will
be no more pain, no more tears, no more death.
we do not lose heart. Rather, we “fix our eyes on Jesus, who for the joy set
before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right
hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2).
the faith, my brothers and sisters in Christ. There’s a better day coming, for He
is the resurrection and the life, and whoever believes in Him, though he die,
yet shall he live (John 11:25). Our King has triumphed, death has been swallowed
up in victory, and we shall be raised with Him in glory!
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