
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Your gender is not a blunder

Poor Mr. Potato Head. Toy manufacturer Hasbro announced a “rebranding” of their iconic toy by dropping the “Mr.” from the product name in an attempt to dismantle traditional gender norms and family forms. 

Indeed, their corporate website features their new promotional packaging including two potato dads with a tyke in one photo and two moms and a baby in another. 

Hasbro GM Kimberly Boyd said in an interview with business magazine Fast Company that the Mr. and Mrs. brand was "limiting when it comes to both gender identity and family structure.” 

The company later clarified that it’s keeping individual Mr. & Mrs. Potato Heads on the shelves, but their intention is clearly to become more “inclusive.” It should be noted that the company understands the primary “sweet spot” for the toy is 2-3 year olds. 

Why do I bring this up? And why am I concerned about the dangerous, divisive, and deceptively misnamed “Equality Act”? 

While bending over backward to promote the perverse lifestyle choices of a distorted few, if passed this bill opens the door to all kinds of nonsense from allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports to sharing locker rooms, bathrooms, shelters, prison cells and more. It will restrict foster care and adoption agencies, religious schools and ministries, and essentially lead to regulated public speech. 

Listen, I’m not in favor of discriminating against anyone, but how does honoring depravity restore honor? And when the next amendment adds protection to child molesters and sex traffickers, who’s going to say we’ve got to stop this madness!? 

I’m highly in favor of biology, truth, decency, and common sense for the common good. We need to teach our children without apology at ages 2-3 and every age that boys are boys and girls and girls. How is this not indisputable? 

And when a young person who’s being manipulated and indoctrinated by a sexually infatuated and twisted culture begins questioning his or her “gender” or “sexual orientation,” we must compassionately offer true life-saving help rather than feed them with the devil’s lies. 

One’s gender is not a blunder. God did not make a mistake when He made them male and female. Each person is created uniquely, wonderfully, purposefully, and lovingly to display the glory of the One who made us in His very own image! 

Let’s appreciate and applaud the beautiful design of the Maker of all things! Yes, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But God in astounding love sent Jesus to die for us so that our sins can be forgiven and we can be made new! And if He has the power to raise Jesus from death to life, then He has the power to destroy every deviant desire and transform our hearts into the holiness of Christ. 

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24).


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