
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Church Is Born

Acts 2

I can only imagine the scene in which these 120 believers were together on the day when the Spirit came down and filled them up. They had been waiting on the Lord’s promise, as He had instructed them. Perhaps they wondered, “How long?”

But on this glorious and world-changing day, Christ Jesus fulfilled His word. And as the sound like a mighty rushing wind filled the house, and as they saw this strange sight of something like divided tongues of fire appear and rest on each of them, the promised power had arrived. Their lives, and the entire world, would never be the same again.

The sound bewildered the multitudes, and as the Spirit gave the believers the supernatural ability to speak to the crowds in their own native languages, you can imagine the astonishment and wonder that overcame them.

Peter didn’t miss a beat. In the power and authority of the Spirit he preached the message of Christ Jesus like it’s never been preached. His words pierced the hearts of the crowd, and before he could give the invitation they were crying out to know what to do! That day the Lord gave new life – the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Spirit – to about 3,000 souls who repented and were saved from death to life.

The church was born. The believers enjoyed unusual fellowship together. And God was just getting started.

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