
Monday, February 14, 2011

Through Many Tribulations

Acts 14 

One of the things you see clearly in the book of Acts is that the message of the gospel divides. When the apostles preached Jesus, people weren’t usually neutral about it. Either they embraced it as if they had been waiting for this all their lives, or they got so angry they wanted to kill the messengers.

Of course, Jesus had warned His followers that they would be hated by the world on His account. Christians ought never to be surprised when suffering comes for the sake of His name.

Makes you wonder if we’re really preaching Christ the way He ought to be preached. I know there’s a growing tide of opposition to the gospel of Jesus in our day, but I don’t really see the message dividing people the way it divided the world in Paul’s day. Many believed, but the rest wanted to throw stones. Is our culture so less passionate about spiritual things, so “tolerant” of everyone’s views that they don’t really care? Or are we not “speaking in such a way” that draws a line?

Now more than ever we need the boldness of Paul and Barnabas to preach the uncompromising message of salvation in Christ Jesus alone. We need their courage in the face of mounting opposition. We need their perseverance in the midst of increasing persecution. We need the grace of God to strengthen us in the call to preach and make disciples of all nations, knowing that “through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”

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