
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

According to Your Word

For everyone who’s ever been greatly troubled. For everyone who’s ever been afraid. For everyone who’s ever asked, “How can this be?”

Meet Mary. The young Mary from a no-where town called Nazareth. The Mary to whom the angel Gabriel delivered earth-shattering news. The Mary who would carry the Son of God in her womb.

When the angel appeared, Mary was greatly troubled. Yeah, you think? Who wouldn’t be? It’s not every day such a supernatural messenger shows up with a such a startling greeting.

I imagine she was going about her chores, doing whatever work young Jewish girls did back then – which probably did not include texting her friends or watching the Disney Channel after school. When suddenly this other-worldly figure appears with a greeting from the Lord: “Oh, Mary, you have received the richest outpourings of the grace of God! The Lord is with you!”

I think I’d be a little shaken, as well. I know because I watched “The Nativity Story” on DVD, and the angels were a little spooky. Besides the appearance of this angel – in itself a shocking enough event – the Bible tells us that Mary was troubled at his saying, and her mind raced with emotion trying to figure out what this greeting was all about. “What have I done? Why are you here? Am I dreaming? Pinch me if you’re real.”

Very quickly Gabriel spoke reassuringly to Mary: “Mary, you have nothing to be afraid of. God has found favor with you! His grace is all over you!” Wow – who wouldn’t love to hear such a word from God!

Then Gabe dropped the bomb. “Now, listen, Mary, I have something to say that’s going to blow you away. Maybe you’d better sit down. Are you ready for this? You are going to have a baby boy!” Boom. As Mary’s jaw drops to the floor.

“You will name him Jesus. He will be great – the Son of the Most High! The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end. What do you think about that?

And Mary, scooping up her jaw, said, “Uh, back up to the part about the baby thing. Did you say that I am going to have a baby? Let me get this straight – I am going to have a baby. Did I hear that right? Me, a virgin girl, no husband, no man. They didn’t teach it this way in biology class. So, how exactly is this going to work?”

Gabriel explained: “Forget what you know about the birds and the bees. God’s doing something supernatural here. Something mysterious and miraculous. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of God will overshadow you. And so, the Son you will bear will be holy, the holy Son of God. Pretty cool, huh?

“Even your cousin Elizabeth is having a baby! That’s not possible either, is it? But she’s already six months pregnant! I want to tell you something, Mary: There’s nothing impossible with God.”

And Mary, in humble submission to the power and promises of God, replied: “I’m not worthy. I’m overwhelmed. I’m simply a servant of the Lord. But I believe what you say. May it be to me according to your word.”

What a beautiful response! What a perfect picture of faith and willingness to go with God’s plan! She didn’t understand it all still. She didn’t know what all would lie ahead – the great blessings nor the deep sorrows. But she accepted the assignment to be God’s chosen vessel through which the Savior of all mankind would enter into our world.

We don’t always understand how God works. We’re often left greatly troubled by the circumstances surrounding us. Even our sincere questions may leave us wondering still over the mysteries of God’s wisdom and ways. But, friend, take heart in this supernatural truth: “For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37).

May your humble submission to the power and promises of God’s word prove your faith today.

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