
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pray and do your homework before voting!

So I understand there’s an election coming up next week. At this point I don’t care who gets elected, just as long as the campaign ads go away. 

To hear the media tell it, the presidential race has pretty much all been decided anyway except in a few “swing” states. Living in downstate Illinois, one has to wonder why bother to even cast a vote. They’ve already colored Illinois blue. Like there’s going to be any other outcome given the Chicago political machine. Maybe if I want my vote to count I should move to Florida or Ohio. Or if I want it to count twice, maybe I should move to Chicago!

I will admit that in the 2008 election I voted for neither candidate on the Democratic or Republican ticket. Perhaps selecting a non-major party’s guy is throwing away your vote, but it wasn’t going to change Illinois’ electoral college count. Plus, at least I voted for a candidate with whose values and positions I agreed. 

There are many factors to look at when evaluating the candidates running for office. For instance, which one has the most charisma? Which candidate is considered hip? Who gets the most celebrity endorsements? Which one looks more presidential on the poster? Those are all important questions to consider, if you don’t have time to research the actual positions and values of the candidates themselves. Not.

Sometimes you can evaluate a candidate based on who’s giving them major campaign donations. Trace the money and you might find out some things. A man, or woman, is known by the people with whom they associate (and accept money from).

Speaking of money, how much is it again that the candidates have spent on their campaigns? According to the New York Times website, Pres. Obama had raised $934 million and Gov. Romney had raised $881 million as of October 17. Of course, that’s only what has been officially recorded with the Federal Election Commission, though non-profit groups do not have to file.

I realize it takes money to run a campaign, but in our current economy and with so many people living in poverty and struggling to pay their bills and put food on the table, something’s wrong with this picture. That kind of cash might even put a slight dent toward paying off our nation’s debt. But I digress.

What I’m suggesting to you is this: Pray, and do some homework before you vote. Perhaps God might want to counsel our thoughts and direct our hearts. After all, He is the One who has blessed this nation in abundance. He is the One who is able to raise up and restore nations, and He is the One who is able to bring them down. He ordains kings and brings princes to ruin. Let’s ask God for help in determining how we should vote.

And please find out what issues the candidates stand for. To give an example, the Obama campaign has released five ads criticizing Romney’s pro-life views while highlighting the President’s commitment to abortion. Look at the party platforms on which the candidates run. While there’s room for good people on either side to debate some of the serious issues concerning healthcare and the economy and foreign policy, there are some issues that are non-negotiable for those who take the Bible seriously.

For me, that at least includes defending the right to life, defending God’s design for marriage, and defending religious liberty, which lays the foundation to the freedoms that we have and enjoy in this nation.

So, pray and do your homework, and vote. And why not come to church Sunday morning at 10:45? We’d love to welcome you! And make plans to join us Sunday night at 6:00 for a gospel concert with “Sons of the Father.” You will be blessed!            

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