
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Sweet Sound of Grace

I think the word “grace” has to be one of the sweetest sounds the tongue can utter and that hearts can hear. The undeserved favor of God. Being recipients of riches we had no part in obtaining, especially in light of what really do deserve because of our sin.

Friend, when I talk about sin and how far we fall short of the glory of God, my purpose is never to knock you down, never to destroy you, never to condemn you, and it’s never done in hatred. If I was driving by your house at night and saw smoke billowing from your roof, would you call me a hater for stopping my car, running up to your home and shouting for you to wake up and get out before you burn to death?

My motive for dealing with sin is to show you the depth of God’s love for you, His unending mercy and His bountiful grace. It’s to point you to the cross, where Jesus gave His life for the forgiveness of your sins. It’s to warn you of the fires of eternal hell and to plead with you to embrace Jesus and the glories of everlasting life.

Listen, I’m a law-breaker, too, who is guilty as charged, but I found a Judge who set me free. That’s grace!

I’m a messed-up train wreck waiting to happen, but I’m seeing this Counselor who keeps my head on straight and my feet walking on the right path. That’s grace!

I’m a simple-minded man with limited understanding, but I’ve been talking with this Author whose Book gives me wisdom. That’s grace!

I’m telling you, I’m a hopeless and helpless human being, but Jesus is my unshakeable hope of heaven, the help I always need and so much more. That’s grace!

I’m a discouraged and dejected soul, but Jesus has lifted me up out of the pit, set my feet on solid ground and given me wings to soar like an eagle. That’s grace!

I’m a sinful and self-centered wretch, but Jesus has saved me from my sins and clothed me in righteousness. I was lost, but now I’m found. I was blind, but now I see. That’s amazing grace, and it sounds so sweet!

I just want you to hear it, too. The watchman on the wall is held responsible if he sees the sword coming and fails to blow the trumpet to warn the city. 

Perhaps you heard last week’s news concerning Pastor Louie Giglio and the pressure from the White House to withdraw himself from giving a prayer at the Presidential Inauguration ceremony. Giglio had been invited as a friend of Pres. Obama, but a liberal watchdog group found some audio of a message he had preached some 15-20 years ago concerning homosexuality.

In that message, Giglio highlighted the amazing grace of God offered to people engaged in a sinful behavior. As a faithful watchman he sounded the alarm. And as a preacher of grace he pointed to the cross, where mercy and grace are given to “whosoever believes.” For this he is labeled a “hater” by those who claim to be the tolerant ones. His message is not one of hate. It’s a message that says, “I love you too much to let you die in your sin. Let me show you how Jesus can give you abundant and eternal life.” 

Many people today don’t even want to know that the sword is coming. Many don’t even want to be warned that smoke is billowing from their rooftop.

Friend, in love for you I urge you now to flee from the danger of sin’s deadly force, and run to the mercy and grace of Christ Jesus. He will save you from any and every sin, and sing the sweet sound of His amazing grace to your soul.

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