
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Anchor for the soul

So they’re calling for 3-5 inches of snow Thursday, which means either a light dusting or about a foot. I remember a few years ago where we lived the weatherman expected some nasty winter weather and the administrators called off school. Guess how much we got? Nothing. Our boys enjoyed the “snow day” nonetheless. Weather forecasters don’t know everything. Sometimes they don’t know much.

Is anything for certain? Men make promises to their brides saying “till death do us part.” But the reality for many is that it’s only “till divorce do us part.” Your boss tells you the next promotion’s all yours, then the company downsizes and you’re out. Doctors may give a loved one six months to live, but they may not make it two weeks, or they may live on for years. And where did that 401k money go, anyway?

What can you really count on to be absolutely true all the time? I know of no guarantees except for the trustworthiness of eternal God and His flawless Word.

God is not a weatherman who looks at the Doppler radar and predicts what will happen next. He’s not a doctor who gives his best diagnosis then estimates the outcome. He’s not a faithless husband who refuses to keep his vow. He’s not a boss who makes promises he’s not able to keep, nor a finance agent who can’t return your investment.

The Almighty God who created the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them, knows all things and keeps His promises. There is nothing and nobody that can render God unable to follow through with His word. There are no unforeseen circumstances that come up and force Him to change His plans. Nothing catches Him off guard. There are no second thoughts with God. There are no guesses about what the future holds. There are no “what ifs” or “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s.”

There is no uncertainty and no doubt. When God makes a promise in His word, you can be sure that He will keep it. When He says that in Christ you’re free from the power of sin, believe it, stop sinning, and start obeying His will. When He says that He will never leave you nor forsake you, believe it, stop doubting, and start trusting Him more. When He says that He’ll take care of your needs, believe it, stop worrying, and start seeking His kingdom and His righteousness.

Do you think the gracious and glorious King of kings and Lord and lords will ever let you down, put you to shame or leave you with regrets? Do you think there’s a chance that the Prince of Peace will fill your soul with turmoil and fear when you humble yourself before Him and pour our your heart? Paul says this to the church, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Do you think it’s possible that the One who opened the eyes of the blind, cleansed the leper, made the lame leap for joy, set the captives free, healed the sick, drove out demons, and even raised the dead to life again, will refuse anyone who comes to Him in faith? Will He who laid down His life and shed His blood for the forgiveness of your sins condemn you when you repent and look in faith to the cross? Will He who conquered the enemy of death not also raise you to everlasting life and save your soul from hell when you receive Him as Lord and Savior?

There is much uncertainty in this world. People you thought you could trust will disappoint you. Things you thought were guaranteed won’t last. But our hope in Christ Jesus is an anchor for the soul. His Word will never pass away or lead you astray. He will keep His promises without fail. He always has and always will.

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