
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

To the Class of 2016

When I graduated from Robinson High School back in the dark ages of 1989, I’m sure I thought I knew everything I needed to know. Oh my, how I wish I could go back and relearn all the stuff I should have learned in the first place. Experience has proven to be a pretty good teacher, though, despite the rigorous course work she demands.

So with some life lessons learned along the way (and many more sure to come), here are three foundational truths I’d like to offer to the Class of 2016 as a blueprint for anchoring your life on a solid foundation in a world where everyone else (it seems) is building houses on the sand.

One – The Bible is the true compass for life’s navigation. No other book nor any other voice speaks truth like the living Word of the King of kings – unchanging, uncompromising, in every age and every culture. It will never steer you wrong.

In its pages the divine Author reveals Himself to us as the holy, creative, sovereign, majestic, righteous, just, faithful, merciful, compassionate, gracious, loving, omniscient, omnipotent, omni-present God of the universe, for starters. And woven throughout the entire biblical narrative is Jesus, the One who offers redemption for sinful mankind like you and me so that we may know the life that is truly life.

Friends, instead of sticking our finger in the air to see which way the wind’s blowing or basing our beliefs on how we feel in the moment or what seems right in our own eyes, let’s dig into the Word of God to see what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s true and what’s false, which path leads to life and which one leads to death.

Two – Prayer is the key to the throne room of heaven. When we come to God through faith in the name of Jesus, all of heaven’s resources are unlocked and unleashed. God hears our prayers and shows Himself to be our strong and mighty tower, a rock of refuge and a shelter in the storm. Provision for our needs, forgiveness for our sins, victory over temptation and abiding fellowship with our Father are ours when we pray.

Friends, you’re going to face some impossible, unbearable circumstances in life. But instead of caving in to fear, worry, guilt or despair, make prayer with God become as natural as breathing. Turn the key of prayer and you’ll be living in the joy and peace of the Lord with the assurance of His presence and His help in those difficult days.

Three – The Church is the movement God uses to impact this world for good. Causes fade away. Civic clubs run their course. Governments falter. Nations crumble. But Jesus said, “upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

The Church will not only endure when everything else disappears, but also is the means by which this world is incalculably enriched through her godly influence.

Friends, instead of linking arms with the world’s wicked and foolish scoffers, get plugged into a community of Christ-followers. That’s where you’ll be strengthened in grace. That’s where you’ll grow in wisdom and understanding. That’s where you’ll be anchored in truth and love. And that’s where you’ll make an invaluable difference in this world for both now and eternity.

Who knows where your next steps will lead? But if you follow this blueprint, you’ll be building your life on solid ground.

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