
Monday, June 14, 2021

We All Need Jesus

I don’t know where you’re at in life, but I know that we all need Jesus. Don’t roll your eyes and stop reading. You need to hear this.

Either we’re all here by cosmic chance where life has no ultimate meaning, and when you die it’s game over, no heaven to gain or hell to fear. In that case, you might as well seek to maximize your happiness while you can here on earth. Indulge yourself with sex, drugs, and rock and roll, raise a nice family, bet all your money on a horse, serve at a soup kitchen; it doesn’t matter. Whatever makes you feel good – do it.

Or, there is something of an Intelligent Being or God who exists and gives meaning to life and eternity.

If you do believe there is a God or some kind of Higher Power out there, then you have to come to grips with who He is, or who She is, or what It is or They are. There is no shortage of belief systems to choose from. See if one of the Eastern religions makes sense. Maybe a New Age thing could be your thing. Islam might be worth looking into. Or create your own version of what you think a God ought to be like.

But they can’t all be right. That would be like a math teacher saying, “Hey, you don’t have to get the right answer, just write down something. I’ll give you credit.” But exactly half of 100 is 50. Multiply 3 by 16 and you get 48. The square root of 9 is 3. Every time. All other answers are incorrect.

Is there one true God above all other contenders? One true God who makes the other versions false?

The answer is a resounding yes! Let me give you three reasons why Jesus alone is God Most High.

1 - The very fact of creation gives proof that there is a Creator. Every book must have an author. Every house has a builder. And the universe declares the glory of its Maker. The moon and stars, the skies and seas, the flowers and trees, and everything that lives and moves showcase the handiwork of a masterful Architect.

2 – The Bible tells us that this Author of Life is Jesus. Is the Bible true? The answer to this question makes all the difference in the world. Space fails to give this topic justice, but the evidence from manuscripts, archeology, history, prophecy, theology, and internal consistency clearly point to the reliability and truth of the Bible as the infallible Word of God.

3 – After dying a horrific death on the cross, Jesus rose to life and ascended to heaven. No other religious system even makes such a claim as this. The evidence is irrefutable for the resurrection of Jesus, and every claim of His identity, His purpose, His promises, His salvation is thus verified. Somebody conquered death!?! Does this not change everything?

Indeed, it does! And if you’ll follow the lead and seek to know this Jesus, you will soon discover that He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). In Him you will find new life, abundant life, and eternal life. In Him you discover the truth that guides you in the right way.

But apart from Him, the void in your heart will go unfilled and the pursuit of all your pleasures will prove but a chasing of the wind. The prospect of eternal separation from God in hell remains, while the hope of better things in heaven evades. We all need Jesus.

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