
Thursday, January 13, 2011

But I Trust in Your Love (Psalm 13)

Psalm 13

Here’s an interesting study for you sometime: Search the Bible for the use of the word “but.” You’ll find some of the greatest revelations of God’s mercy, grace and purposes in what follows that little word.

In this psalm the writer expresses frustration with God’s timing. Have you noticed that God does not always spring into action and resolve our situations the moment we think He should? Maybe you’ve asked God for help for a very good reason, but He hasn’t done anything about it. If God seems distant, if it seems as though your prayers aren’t going anywhere, and if it seems like God’s enemies are gaining the upper hand, you can relate to this psalm.

And I hope you’ll come to the same conclusion as David. Even though God did not respond in David’s timing, even though he felt God had forgotten him, even though he was under great duress and sorrow, and even though his enemies seem to have defeated him, don’t miss David’s confident trust that God would yet be there for him.

Maybe you’re in the middle of a desperate situation and God has yet to act. Don’t despair. Don’t give up. Don’t think He doesn’t care or that He has abandoned you. Trust in His unfailing love, and your heart will follow with rejoicing. Keep lifting your heart to heaven. Keep singing to the Lord. You know He’s been good to you, and He always will.

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