
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trusting Christ in Crisis (Psalm 11)

Psalm 11

Think about a time you’ve faced a real crisis in your life. Maybe it was a life-threatening illness, a job loss or financial hardship. Perhaps it was a divorce or the death of a loved one.

People are always watching to see how those who claim the name of Christ respond when troubles come our way. When things seem to be falling apart, they want to know if you’ll crumble or if your faith in God will strengthen your stand.

How have you handled crises in your life? Did you lift your heart to heaven or wallow in the mire? Did you run to the Lord as your refuge or try to manage on your own? Did you trust in His sovereign grace or let worry and despair eat you up?

Could it be that the next trial that comes your way may be a test to measure the depth of your trust in God? Are you really depending on Him in all things? Are you certain that the Lord in heaven is in firm control of everything and that absolutely nothing you will ever go through is greater than His omnipotent ability to carry you through?

O righteous child of God in Christ, the Lord will never take His eyes off of you! That doesn’t mean He’ll exempt you from the crisis, but it does mean that He loves you and will see you through. In fact, He may even refine your faith in Him through suffering, proving it genuine and increasing your joy in Christ Jesus. Trust Him in your crisis.

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