
Monday, September 20, 2021

Learn to discern truth from error

I’m going to “borrow” some material for this article today from our Bible Studies for Life curriculum that we use for Sunday School. The question of relevance is this: How can we know whether something is true or not? 

You don’t need me to tell you that with the explosion of information sources in this digital age, some of the things you hear and read and see aren’t presented exactly the way it is. Spinning a story to make it fit one’s preferred narrative, editing out the parts they don’t want you to know about, or outright bald-faced lying, however, are nothing new. 

So how can we filter through the “misinformation” to discern truth from error? I’m glad you asked! 

Here’s how our Bible study laid it out as we studied from 1 John 2:18-29, and I think these serve as helpful principles as we learn to discern what’s true. 

1. Be biblical. When we study to know and understand God’s Word – which is trustworthy and true – we’ll have a standard through which our decisions, our thoughts, our worldview, our lifestyle, our habits, and our responses to questions and problems and issues in our culture must be filtered. 

2. Be devoted to God. As we yield ourselves in whole-hearted devotion to the Lord, our hearts and minds will become fixed on the God of truth who loves and cares for us. We can trust Him to guide us in truth and guard us from the deceptions that seem to dominate the landscape. 

3. Be holy. Believers in Christ are set apart from the world. They have put away falsehood and are truthful and honest in thought, word, and deed. They do not spread lies or seek to manipulate information for selfish purposes. They learn to discern truth because they walk in truth.   

4. Be wise. When dealing with truth and error, wisdom is essential. That’s because many issues cannot be figured out with our finite minds. As Christians, we have the mind of Christ, and we should use it! 

5. Be prayerful. Because we are flooded with fabrications in our culture, we need the spiritual power that comes only through prayer. And when we take our questions to God and ask for His divine and powerful intervention, we should expect in faith that He will grant us the help we need to discern truth from error. 

Scammers, schemers, swindlers, and all who peddle in lies will find themselves shut out from the gates of heaven (Rev. 22:15). But disciples of Jesus have “an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth (1 John 2:20), and we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit who “will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13). 

You want to know the truth? It’s found in Jesus, who declared, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

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