
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Song of Deliverance (Psalm 18)

Psalm 18

You’ll be tempted to rush through this psalm. Don’t do it!

Instead, try to put yourself in David’s sandals, praising God for His mighty deliverance. Remember that David had many enemies, but God delivered him from them all.

This psalm comes straight out of 2 Samuel 22 where David glorifies God for hearing His cry for help and saving Him from his foes. When you look at the victories God gave David in 2 Samuel 21, you see that he was at war with some pretty big dudes – in fact, descendents of the giants. God saved him from one guy who carried an 8-pound spear. He saved him from another man of “great stature” who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.

Time and time again God rescued David from the hand of his enemies. No wonder he burst forth in this song of deliverance, giving praise to the Lord, his rock, his fortress, his strength, his deliverer, his refuge, his shield, his stronghold and his salvation.

He’s done the same for you, dear friend. The giants of worry, fear and doubt may threaten to undo you, but they cannot overcome you when you let the Lord fight your battles for you! Call upon the Lord who is worthy of praise, and trust Him to save you from the enemy. Lift your heart to heaven and you’ll find yourself singing your own song of deliverance!

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