
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Trusting in the King of Kings (Psalm 2)

Psalm 2

How foolish it is for even the most powerful rulers in this world to fight against the Almighty King in heaven.

This Psalm reminds us of the sovereignty of our God who sits enthroned on high, His authority, His power, His justice and His salvation. Those who rebel against Him are like a feeble band of sheep assembling themselves together to fight a pack of lions. They don’t stand a chance.

Indeed, God’s Chosen King, the Holy and Anointed One who is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords, will rule victoriously over all the kingdoms of the earth! He is the Son who has become heir of all things and ruler of all nations. He is Jesus, the radiance of God’s glory, the image of the invisible God, the One who has created and sustains all things by the word of His power. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and He will snap His enemies’ mightiest weapons of war into pieces like rotting twigs.

God is not threatened in the least by the most devious and malicious schemes of man. Neither should we. Our trust is in the King of kings. He has the final and ultimate say. His kingdom will prevail, and we are richly blessed and eternally secure by taking refuge in Him.

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